Friday, June 8

June Goal

My goal for the month of May was to floss my teeth everyday.  I think I did pretty good.  I would floss when I could and where I could.  (Not in public though, eww!)  Although I did not officially post about this goal, it still happened.

Now moving on.  We are already in the month on June, can you believe it?  My new goal has to do with running again.  So, since I am starting to train for the St. George Marathon and I need some motivation to get running I am going to set a goal to go running (or walking to the clubhouse and back with the wifey) five days a week!  That means I can miss one week day and most likely skip Sundays. It doesn't matter how long it is for, either a good 5-6 mile run, or a quick walk to the part with the kids. It is totally doable, even though some days I might have to go before work.  Waking up early has never been easy for me, but I am sure it will be worth it.  So here's to me and running and getting up early!

These are some old pics of running back when we lived in Colorado. 

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