Wednesday, August 17

Pics and more pics....

While the wifey was resting, Baby T and I were in the front yard just playing yesterday afternoon, so I started taking some pics of him with the new retro camera appAfter every shot he would say, "I wanna see." (In his toddler voice, of course)  Ha.  He knows that as soon as a picture is taken that you can instantly see it.  That amazes me.  Times have definitely changed. 

We rolled around on the blanket, played steam roller, looked for bugs, threw rocks in the garden and just laughed and played.  I love times like these, it seems as if nothing else matters for a short matter of time.  We eventually started to wash the cars and without hesitation baby T pulled out his bike so he could wash it too.  He rinsed it off with the hose, used the rag to wipe it down, then dried it with the towel.  He followed exactly how I did it.  Kids are smart, that is all I have to say. 

I tried using all of the different lenses, and there are some cool options on this app. If you don't have it, then go and try it out.   His hair is all over the place, but I DO NOT want to cut it.  I like it like that, and it is so blonde now and his little curls and wings are amazing! 

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