Wednesday, February 23

church and babies.......

do these two things even go together?  the last few weeks have been interesting, to say the least, with turner and church.  some weeks he does so well and other weeks are a disaster.  our church meets from 11am-2pm, which interferes with his naps.  he usually takes 1 nap in the morning around 11 ish and then another in the afternoon.  with this schedule we only gets 1 nap on sunday and he doesn't get it until after we get home, feed him and then lay him down. 

we give him snacks, treats, toys, he can color, look at books, etc..... but those things only last so long. 

how could you not love this face though?  he is adorable and so fun.  he is now 16 months and we are counting down the weeks until he can go to nursery.  they said we can take him in early but we have to stay there with him.  personally, i would just drop him off and let him figure it out on his own, and not have an expectation of having one of us there with him, ya know?  i figure that most people have been through this and they 'understand' what it's like. 

let the countdown continue......


Kate Challis said...

Haha, totally know what you're talking about. Church and babies so do NOT go together. Sometimes it's like, "why are we even here?"

I also agree with your attitude on dropping off the kiddo at nursery. We've been really, really, really blessed to have a baby who LOVES nursery anyway, but I do think it has helped that we don't stick around. They released me from being in nursery at the same time as she was officially starting. I guess I'm super lucky because Jane got to go before she turned 18 months since that was my maybe it doesn't have anything to do with our attitude, but I'd like to think maybe it does.

Turner is really adorable. I'm sure he'll love nursery. It's pretty crazy the difference between an 18 month old and an almost 3 year old.

Stephanie said...

yeah, church has basically been an act of obedience for me for about the last three years! :) it feels good to at least know you where you are supposed to be and the kids are too.

Julie said...

That's totally the hardest age for church, when theyre like walking all around the sunday school/ relief society or priesthood rooms. You have to bring like a suitcase of things to entertain them for 3 hrs. Ha. It gets way easier at 18 months, when you just have to make it through 1 hr and the other 2 are taken care of :) hang in there....only 2 more months!! :)

dannynstephstoddart said...

I HEAR YA! We haven't made it past the 2 hr mark at church since Carter was born. Our ward is 11-2 too... WORST possible time! Carter's pushing it to last til 12 for a nap. When my mom was younger she said their church had this glassed off room in the back kind of like a mother's lounge where you could hear the speaker but the wee ones could run around a little bit. Oh how I wish.

Katie said...

OH MY GOSH-- totally! Every week is a struggle. They're just at that age that they want to be on the GO and can't understand why they would possibly need to sit still. It's so hard! But then I know I'll miss him when he goes to nursery too!

Kate Challis said...

1-4:00 church was way worse for us, but I'm sure it depends on the baby's nap schedule.

Actually, Jane stays on the seat during sacrament meeting and is happy and mostly quiet (19 months old). We've worked pretty hard to get it that way. For us, the process involved sitting in a place where we could a. leave easily and quickly, b. not be around a lot of small children who are misbehaving and c. the fact that she's a firstborn girl haha. And her personality etc. But literally every time she started misbehaving, we (usually Danny let's be honest) would take her out into an empty classroom and sit in a chair and hold her so she basically couldn't move and all she could do was stare at the wall. And this took several months of being very patient. But oh my gosh it worked. I'm so impressed at her ability to sit in church. Well...crawl around on the bench. But she's happy.

Oh yeah, and we also don't feed her breakfast on Sunday mornings until we're at church. So basically she has an hour to eat her cereal. Maybe these tips will help. But probably not :)

Ashley said...

That's hilarious!!

When my brother got back from his mission in Scotland it was weird for him to see small kids in church. In Scotland they leave them home...there isn't even nursery available.

Strango Strango

Lauren and Tyson Fiala said...

Oh we feel your pain! Hailey lasts about 25 minutes into Sacrament and then the rest is disaster.Nothing we bring or could bring makes a difference. Ellie was the same way so at least we know it won't last forever. We are counting down to nursery too!!

Marcus Lane said...

looks like we aren't the only only ones.

thanks for sharing

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