Monday, January 10

downtown denver aquarium

last saturday he headed downtown with some of our friends in the ward to visit the downtown aquarium. 
we had an awesome time and turner loved it!!  as soon as we walked in he started making all sorts of noises and flailing his arms all over the place, it was funny!  there were some of his friends there that also had a good time.  they had sting rays at the end that you can touch and turner touched them.  he was a little freaked out, but did it multiple times.  he really just want to get in all the tanks of water and play/swim.  it was a great way to spend a saturday afternoon. 


dannyhaley said...

Looks fun, we went there when tay was turner
's age. Do they still have the tigers? See u soon.

Marcus Lane said...

yup the tigers are there! we cant wait to see your house haley!!

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