Thursday, August 11

It just feels good

Being organized just feels good.  It makes you feel like you have conquered and accomplished something great.  Who doesn't want that feeling?  This picture makes me feel good.  It is in our storage room in our basement.  We have new shelves to keep our food, storage, 72 hour kits and 'extra' stuff all there, and it's organized. 

We have the necessities like, cereal, soda and water, ha!  We also have lots of canned foods and stuff from the church cannery.  The wifey's grandparents work in the cannery and always give us food storage for Christmas each year.  It works out perfectly!  We have backpacks which are the 72 hour kits and then just extra food, lantern, sleeping bags, etc...... We are trying to be prepared now that we have the space to keep all of this stuff. 

It feels good though, really good.  Try it and you will see what I am talking about. 


c said...

"Looks like you are preparing for the mean Apocalypse"

Marcus Lane said...

so great! and there will be so many more to come, i am sure of that.

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