Tuesday, August 2

I finished....We finished!

The marathon was a success! Both Logan and I finished and I got 2 minutes better than the last one I ran. Not bad, not bad at all! It was a great course with a lot of downhill. We started way up Big Mountain and by the time we came into Salt Lake City, we were already at mile 15. I had my sister Natalie and some of her East High running buddies run me in the last couple miles and my dad ran in with Logan. It's nice to have that motivation to push you through the end.

Some others ran the 10k that morning too and did really well. 

Overall a good race, ready for the next one.  I may or may not lose a couple toe nails, but it's totally worth it. I am pretty much recovered from the race and starting to run again today!  See you out on the streets and I need a new running buddy because Logan up and moved for school, what a punk!  Ha..... 

Just in case you care, go HERE for all of the race results and go HERE for the fancy pics taken. 


Monica said...

good work! i could never, ever do it. so great job!

Logan Pratt said...
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Logan Pratt said...

I started running again this week too! 4 a day since Monday. 1/2 or full next????

Marcus Lane said...

I am looking into a half on halloween where you can dress up! come back to UT for it!!

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