Tuesday, May 10

3 years already!

Yes, we have been married for 3 years now!  Crazy!  Time really does fly by.  It brings back great memories of that perfect Spring Day in the SLC where we were sealed for time and all eternity in the SLC Temple.  Our wedding day was perfect.  It was fun, mellow and just perfect.  I would do it all over again if we could.  Who doesn't like a huge party?! 

This past year we had thought we were staying in UT and going back to school, but when a new job offer came up, we jumped on it and moved to Colorado.  After meeting new friends, while loving our new life in CO we traveled and explored CO every weekend.  We took way too many photos of our son while teaching him new things and watching him grow up way too fast.  Our time quickly ended in CO and we moved (again) back to Utah where we would be for a long period of time.  We looked and looked at houses and ended up deciding to build one.  We found a great lot, a great price and went with it.  We saved every dollar so we could put down more money on it and make our first home ours.  We will soon move into that new home and will hopefully not have to move for awhile.  3 times is more than enough for 1 year. 

What a year it has been, bring on the next one, we are ready for it!  Happy Anniversary to us, here's to us!


dannyhaley said...

Happy anniversary! Your wedding was wonderful. Best quote from your we ding day: Jeffrey said in tears "why do weddings have to be so long?"!!! Ha ha!!! Have a good celebration.

Monica said...

happy day!! go and celebrate!!!

Emily said...

Happy anniversary! You guys did have a rad reception, I would totally go again!

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