Tuesday, December 14

christmas lights galore in HR

in our neighborhood there is a house where you can turn your radio station and listen to christmas music while the lights flash to the beat, it's pretty cool.  there was a line of cars tuning in and listening and watching.  above is a clip of it. 

they also take donations for a cystic fibrosis organization, which is cool.  turner loved the flashing lights, as did we and we will most likely drive by a few more times before christmas is here. 

here are some pics too.


Nate and Julie said...

What's the address of that house? We'd love to go check it out! Also are there any good neighborhoods in particular in H.R.? We've seen the Aurora lights are looking to expand our horizons.

Marcus Lane said...

Julie- it is just by our house in our ward area. come down one night and we will take you and we can hang out for a bit!! there are some good houses down here to cruise around and look at.

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